"There's nothing better than being awake and aware in your Center and knowing you've been here all along."
~Karen Whitaker
Intuition is a friendly way to describe the heightened perception of our senses of sight, hearing, sensing/feeling and knowing. Intuition allows us to surpass “individual” boundaries and access information from different dimensions of consciousness, the environment, people and other beings. Some of us are innately, or through circumstance, more sensitive or receptive to subtle information than others. Regardless of your perceived capacity, a vast spectrum of information is always right here/now and available.
Most of us accept that Oxygen and Hydrogen exist, even though they’re not visible to the naked eye. Often deemed psychic, enhanced capacities to see (clairvoyance), hear (clairaudience), and feel (clairsentience) are innate and can be cultivated. It just takes a steady intention, a little support/guidance and practice. Meditation is one of the most direct and effective paths to dialing into the more subtle levels of consciousness.
Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all inspired and deeply informed by the more subtle aspects of our world. Whether we are aware of breathing or not, we are breathing. Whether we can see plants metabolizing CO2 into O2 +, they are. When we get in touch with the less visible realms, we access the "always already" available information consciously. The more we bring faint cues to the fore, the greater likelihood we will be able to transform unconscious patterns and more consciously create a life we love.
Living the Intuitive Every Day
Six daily practices to tune into subtle messages and easily grow your intuition:
Mindful Awareness:
Practice staying present in the moment. Pay attention to sensations, thoughts, and emotions as they arise. Whether you're walking, eating, or having a conversation, simply notice how you feel and what you sense without judgment. Your intuition often communicates through subtle bodily sensations or feelings, so tuning into your body’s response can help you catch intuitive pings or hits.
Pause and Breathe:
Whenever you're faced with a decision or when you feel uncertain, take a moment to pause and breathe deeply. Close your eyes for a few seconds, and focus on your breath. This stillness allows space for your intuitive voice to rise above the noise of the mind. Often, intuitive insights come when we stop and give ourselves a moment to listen. I like placing a hand on my heart and asking for a clear yes or no.
Observe Patterns in Thoughts and Emotions:
Intuition often communicates through recurring thoughts, feelings, dreams or sensations that may seem to come out of nowhere. When you notice something repeating in your mind—whether it’s a particular idea, image, or even a sense of knowing—pause and consider what it might be trying to tell you. Trust that your subconscious mind is trying to guide you.
Trust Serendipities and Synchronicities:
Pay attention to seemingly coincidental events or interactions throughout your day. Whether it’s running into someone you needed to talk to, seeing a meaningful symbol, or hearing a phrase that resonates deeply. Serendipities and coincidences often occur when we are more clearly aligned with something greather. These moments can be intuitive messages to pay attention, and perhaps ask "more of this please." Trust the Flow of events and allow yourself to be guided by the unexpected.
Use a Simple Inquiry or Question:
At various points in your day, slow down and inquire, "What feels right in this moment?" or "What is the best next step for me?" Then, listen carefully to the answer that arises from within, even if it's not in the form of words. The more you practice this, the more you'll learn to recognize the subtle signals your intuition sends.
Two-Way Prayer
Set a timer for 10-15 minutes. Find or create a sacred space to connect with Source or Higher Power. Sitting in upright posture with paper and pen(cil), remember into whose presence you are arriving. Take a few gentle, deep breaths: inhaling peace, releasing fear and tension. Take a few more of these breaths until you feel settled. Write down a question that that is real for you - that is coming from a genuine need. A few examples: I’m afraid about X, please help me; Is there some area of my life in which I am being dishonest? ; How do I truly feel about Y?. Let go of any expectations or fears. Sit back from the page, and ask: if the most loving presence in the Universe could speak to me, what would it say? Trust. Listen. Write whatever comes, don’t edit. Let it pour it out. If it's a struggle to get started, perhaps begin with “my beloved, my precious child, etc.” Stop writing if/when it starts to feel forced (5-7 min.). When the writing is complete, close the eyes and let the mind go free, be present with Source. This is Contemplative Prayer - find yourself in Silence.
By cultivating awareness and presence during daily activities, you'll become more attuned to that quiet, still voice guiding you. If you'd like to learn and grow more deeply into Stillness and intuition, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm t/here for you. Call or text 917.519.2432 & email britta@intuitivehealthhealing.com
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